Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ted pt. 1- ideas worth spreading?

1. The ted organization is about bringing together people from engineering, desighn, and technology to a confrence.
2. The purpose of the TED website is to spread ideas worth spreading and this website helps them spread some of thier ideas beyond just the people incorporated with the organization.
3. The topics i think we should be most intrested in are technology because we are always looking to improve it and make it more efficiant and desighn because we like to make sure that any product we make not only functions well but alsoo has an attractive desighn.
4. The three videos i think we would be most intrested in are "the rise of personal robotics" because we work a lot with robotics, "Its time to redesighn medical data" because we are always looking for ways to improve things and make them easier to use, and " how i built a toaster from scratch" because we like to build things and learn how someone else would do it so we can try to improve in a certain area.
5. I chose "the rise of peronal robotics".
6. I could probably get involved in this field by taking endineering classes and when i am in college taking a robotics class.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

reverse engineering: mechanichal product-functional analysis

1. The purpose of the wire cutters is to cut metal wires of varying sizes into smaller peices.
2. A) you put the wire between the teeth B) you sqeez the handles C) the wire is cut into two new peices
4. The wire cutters have a locking mechanism and a spring to hold the handles open when it is not locked, also they have a bunch of hinges to make the teeth move when you sqeeze the handles.
5. Most of the desighn qaulities are easily seen but there is an o ring inside that is hidden from imidiate view.

reverse engeneering-functional analysis- essential qestions

1. The purpose of reverse engineering is to see how a product functions and what makes it work.
2. Visual qaulities are what make a product look good or bad and functional qaulities are what makes it work well or not well.
Visual Qaulities
Desighn Qaulities

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

reverse engineering: mechanichal product- visual analysis

I did my project on a tool that was on my desk.


Product Anallysis-
Visual Anallysis: This product is very sleek and fits in your hand very well. Also its size and shape lets it fit in your pocket or a tool belt without hassle but since it is curved it wont slide out as easily, ensuring that it wont fall out when you are doing something. Finally it has a lock so that when you are not using it it wont open and cut you.
Functional anallysis- The purpose of this product is to cut small wires. it has small holes so that you can get and effective cut on whatever wire you are cutting. Also it has a spring thqat makes the tool spring open instead of staying shut so you dont have to go through more work to use it.

The target audience of the people making this product is probably construction workers or do it yourself men that like to work on thier houses. The target audience would consist of mostly men and not as many women so the desighn is manly with a small feminine touch.

my labled sketch

opt in #2 part 2

The images in this picture are:
a jacket
the top of a pot
two roses
and a can of spray paint
 I think these items can be used to form a peacful demonstration because they could paint a mural of flowers to signify peace and if anyonee tried to attack them they could use the top of the pot to shield themselves. The goggles and gloves show that they will paint something with the spraypaint and i assume they will paint the roses. Also because the jacket has a hood on it and they are wearing sneakers it shows that they will be doing something in the night that they dont want to be caught doing. I am not sure why the pot cover is there though.