Monday, February 28, 2011

graphic desig: whats going on in this design?

I was absent this day so i had no partner.
This is a picture of an article from a magazine called wired.
The article is advertising bluetooth heads.
1. Message content: This message is very helpful in choosing which headset you would like because it gives pros and cons and describes the headsets very well.
2. Size and Shape: The add covers one side of the page and is normal size. This makes the add fairly easy to follow.
3. Readability: Because the text is black and the backcolor is a yellowish brown it is very easy to read.
4. Needs the Audience: This add makes sure that if people want to buy the headset because it is good qaulity or it is very stylish it will keep the audience attracted and wanting to look into the product some more.
5:  Use of Proven Design Elemnts and Principles:
Design principles- proportion and scale: The add makes sure that both text and image get a fair share of the page. Also it puts the image as the first thing you see so it is sure to catch your eye and attract you first.
Design Elements- Color: Its color goes along well with the image and text and it does not give you a headache to look at it.


1. Trends are what groups of people are wearing or doing. Graphic designers can use trends to choose what they should put on a product or add so the public sees that it matches thier trend and they will be drawn to it.

2. Human nature plays a role on how a product is marketed because people will look for things that intrest them and match thier trend because of human nature.

3. A potential audience is detirmined by making sure who the people you will try to market your product to are into what you are marketing and want to use it.

4.You must discover the kind of things your audience likes and is interested in. And also you must find out what their favorite things about those products are so that can give you an idea about creating your product. 

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